When speaking of products made from trees, most folks think of paper and wood. While that is correct, this is just the start of the list of tree products used daily. Normal tree byproducts include chemicals, sandwich bags, lumber, and nuts. Read on to learn about more things made from a tree.
What Products Made from Trees are Used For
When it comes to the benefits of having a tree, a gardener will probably point to the benefits of trees growing in the landscape, offering shade on warm days and homes for birds. A home contractor may consider building materials, lumber, and shingles.
Truthfully, everything made of wood comes from trees. That includes cabinets, doors, homes, fences, and decks. People commonly use a couple of tree products, including musical instruments, canes, wine corks, roller coasters, ladders, toothpicks, matches, pencils, and clothespins.
Paper Products Made from Trees
Paper is possibly the second tree product that is well-known when you consider things made from trees. Paper products made from trees come from wood pulp. There are several of them.
Printer paper and writing paper are two of the vital tree products used every day. Also, wood pulp makes newspapers, coffee filters, tissues, and feminine products. Some leather tanning goods come from wood pulp.
Other Things Made from a Tree
Cellulose fibers from trees make a vast assortment of other products. These include hard hats, sandwich bags, rayon clothing, cellophane paper, and cigarette filters.
More tree byproducts include chemicals gotten from trees. These chemicals make scented oils, pitch, dye, and menthol. Also, a tree’s chemicals help make shoe polish, crayons, deodorants, insecticides, plastics, and nylon.
Sodium lauryl sulfate, a tree byproduct of papermaking, functions as a foaming agent in shampoos. Numerous medicines come from trees as well. These include Aldomet/Aldoril for hypertension, Taxol for cancer, L-Dopa for Parkinson’s disease, and quinine for malaria.
Of course, there are food items too. You have nuts, olive oil, fruits, coffee, tea, and maple syrup, to name a few.
Wood pulp is in several paper products like envelopes, packaging material, notebooks, egg cartons, books, paper bags, wallpaper, newspapers, calendars, paper towels, cardboard boxes, coffee filters, tissues, toilet paper, magazines, and cards. Diapers, blankets, wall insulation, and sanitary pads, and leather tanning agents come from wood pulp.
Cellulose fibers from trees are responsible for cellophane, twine, cigarette filters, adhesives, rayon clothing, floor tiles, photo film, food additives and thickeners, hardhats, and helmets, luggage, and sandwich bags.
A few examples of foods that come from trees include maple syrup, bay leaves, almonds, cola nuts (soft drinks), apples, nutmeg, apricots, avocados, cacao (chocolate), cashews, walnuts, cherries, cinnamon, peaches, cloves, coffee, grapefruit, tangerines, hazelnuts, juniper berries (gin flavoring), lemons, pecans, limes, mangoes, nectarines, olives, tea, oranges, pears, pine nuts, pistachios, plums, sassafras root (root beer), and vanilla (an artificial flavoring).
Get in touch with us at Buffalo Tree Service when you want to learn more about foods and products that come from trees.